Hillary Clinton Chooses Natural Treatment for Thyroid Condition

Thyroid Treatment | Nava Health
Medically Reviewed
September 3, 2015

It’s estimated that more than 30 million Americans suffer from abnormal thyroid function; and democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton is one of them. Recent news found that among documents released by Clinton’s camp, a letter from the former Secretary of State’s doctor was found, claiming the candidate to be in good standing health. Yet within this letter, published by The New York Times, the public learned of Clinton’s hypothyroidism and her use of a natural thyroid medication to address this common health issue.

Clinton, who has undergone extensive diagnostic testing and has some of the best medical experts and resources at her disposal, has chosen to treat her underactive thyroid using a natural thyroid hormone as opposed to a synthetic one. Natural thyroid hormones, like Armour Thyroid, which Clinton uses, and NatureThroid, which Nava prescribes, both offer a holistic, natural way to treat thyroid issues.

A properly functioning thyroid creates both the T3 and T4 hormones. While natural supplements offer both these compounds, many synthetic alternatives contain only one or the other and not both, leading patients to continue to experience the same symptoms they did before taking any medication. In fact, a 2014 study in the Journal of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Obesity found that patients that switched from synthetic thyroid hormone medication to a natural thyroid hormone reported improved satisfaction overall.

Women are eight times more likely to develop thyroid issues than man, with women over age 60 especially more likely to have hypothyroidism, which Clinton suffers from. This means that the body simply produces too little thyroid hormone, leading to an underactive thyroid. Having a thyroid that’s not working as it should be can lead to many serious complications. With an estimated 15 million Americans completely unaware of their thyroid issues, the first step is to look for diagnostic services that can provide answers and seek natural solutions.