“Cupping” – What Is It? (Video Series)

Introduction to Cupping | Nava Health
Medically Reviewed
March 17, 2015

“Cupping” may sound strange, but practitioners of traditional Asian medicine have healed people with this method since 300 A.D. Although very popular in Traditional Asian Medicine, it may have originated over 4000 years ago in the middle east. By using cups to create a vacuum effect on the body, practitioners can treat a wide variety of ailments and have an effect on tissues and organs up to four inches inside the body. Some commonly treated conditions include muscle pain, digestive issues, allergies, respiratory issues and stress.

An Introduction to Cupping

Traditionally, in China, the earliest recorded mention used a hollowed-out horn. A lot has changed since this technique’s inception; modern practitioners use glass, bamboo, and pottery cups to create the healing suction. During a typical session, a cotton ball soaked in alcohol is burned inside the cup, removing all oxygen and creating a vacuum that anchors the cup to the skin. Other methods are also used to create suction, such as holding the cup over a small flame and using a hand pump instead of fire. Flame is never used near the skin, only to create suction.

The technique will leave telltale circular bruises or lines in the area. This is a sign that blood has been drawn to the surface and has made room for fresh blood to infuse deeper tissue promoting the body’s natural healing. The cups are often placed along the meridians of the body or muscle groups to target specific maladies, like in acupuncture, which can be administered alongside the cupping procedure. If you experience chronic conditions that keep you from living your best, there’s only health to gain by trying this non-invasive, low-risk treatment.

Video Introduction to Cupping

Cupping Demo Part 1

Cupping Demo Part 2

Cupping Demo Part 3